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- The Ten divisions of the Bible
The Ten divisions of the Bible
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11 pages - $5.00
Throughout the story of the Bible, God has in age after age offered mankind a way of access to Himself. Each time God has done so, some have believed Him and been blessed, but the majority have rejected and been cursed. The Bible falls naturally into ten such age divisions. The ten divisions each (except the last) begin with a test from God. Unconverted man always fails the test and the result is judgement from God. The obvious conclusion through all the ages is that man, apart from faith in God's Word, cannot be pleasing to Him. There is only one way to have peace with God and that is through faith in His Word. In this present age of grace, His Word tells us that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Throughout the story of the Bible, God has in age after age offered mankind a way of access to Himself. Each time God has done so, some have believed Him and been blessed, but the majority have rejected and been cursed. The Bible falls naturally into ten such age divisions. The ten divisions each (except the last) begin with a test from God. Unconverted man always fails the test and the result is judgement from God. The obvious conclusion through all the ages is that man, apart from faith in God's Word, cannot be pleasing to Him. There is only one way to have peace with God and that is through faith in His Word. In this present age of grace, His Word tells us that we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.